Final Project
IDEA: Create my own game for others to play linked to NFS Hot Pursuit (I am writing about in my essay). It must be interactive, creative, fun and involve multiple players.
User-centred design (innovation occasioned by watching people and then designing something on their behalf, thus putting the designer in charge)

User-led design (in which designers guide people through the process of describing and solving problems for themselves, thus putting the user in charge)

Co-design (the idea that understanding of a problem and/or solution can be improved if designers, suppliers and consumers look at it together)
The action of taking part in something
Participatory Design
(originally co-operative design, now often co-design) is an approach to design attempting to actively involve all stakeholders (e.g. employees, partners, customers, citizens, end users) in the design process to help ensure the result meets their needs and is usable.

"participatory design"
Above & Right: My own photography
Above Left, Above Middle & Above Right: Early sketches and analysis of the game structure, language, communication, layout etc.
Above, Above Right, Right & Far Right: My own photography of the game relating to my sketches of the layouts and gameplay above.
Below: Characters/Cars you can choose in the game and the categories they are all split into.
Left: Further refinement and Ideas to develop and conceptualise. I have decided to use two colours in my Conditional Design game. They are Red & Blue to show the significance and relationship with the theme of the game.

Below: Computer generated version of my first idea. (Far Above)
More sketches of how possible ideas might end up looking.
There will be a sheet of A4 paper given to the person. I have chosen to use an A4 sheet of paper because I have seen too many examples where participants are given a huge piece of paper and are in my opinion spoilt for choice when it comes to plotting on the paper. I guess this is one of my rules and controls because I want to see what the final result and outcome will be when participants have to work within a smaller space. They must try and draw this logo (Need For Speed) on the paper as accurately as they can and they can also choose to draw a straight line (representing the roads) as accurately as they can. They can choose whether to use a Red or Blue pen. It can be anywhere on the paper as long as the logo is not touching the edges of the paper. They can be any size. The shapes can only be rotated in 90 degrees from it's original/correct state. I will try to ask at least 3 people to participate so that I can gain more information from different people and see more perspectives.
Left: The first design.
Right: Over halfway through the design.
Right: The final design. I asked three of my friends to complete this game for me.
Right: The final design. This is my computer illustrated version of the game/design they finished.